In v i s i b l e A r t
Co l l e c t i v e
In t e r n a t i o n a l
"I want one to be silent, when one ceases to feel . . . I'm saying only that I do not report the vacant moments of my life, and that it might be unworthy for anyone to crystallize those moments that do seem vacant." - Andre Breton. Durzoi, Ch. 2.
“There is no such thing as a good painting about nothing.” Griselda Pollock, (2008). An engaged contribution to thinking about interpretation in research in/into practice. Working papers in art and design, 5.
Bruno Chiarlone Debenedetti has written a book about invisible art, that if my google translator works correctly is about The Progressive Museum of Invisible Art. The book and Bruno's projet, which includes mail art and Fluxus art seems really interesting.
Below is a link to the site where one can purchase the book, and following that a link to Bruno's website.
link to book:
link to website:
More information regarding the Museo Progressivo Arte Invisibile exhibition :
A google translation of some of the text says:
"The Progressive Museum of Art Invisible (MPDAI) is localized in fact Val Bormida Liguria (Italy) and is mainly made up of the living presence of its inhabitants who operate the constant transformation continually making acts, conscious and unconscious, of artistic action, which, by their nature, they are not documented and remain invisible in terms of communicative, cognitive, conservative."
Interesting site with philosophical reflections by Mathias Will, one of our members, some of which deal with invisiblity and fringes. Here is the link to explore his work.
Here's an opportunity one of our members sent.
Invisible Art Interruptions Succession Building, Vienna Austria
Invisible Art Installation, Succession Building, Vienna Austria.
The Aesthetics After Finitude, located at the University of New South Wales has presented an article titled Cold Dark Matter, Laruelle and Speculative Aesthetics in Cornelia Parker's Installations. In part the text says, "Laurelle wants to provide a science of this One, but how does one provide a science of the original particle of philosophy - the first decision - without lapsing into decision itself?How does one, to riff on Brassier, provide an account of the non-rabbit, when there seems to be an immediate lapse into a form of rabbithood, a concept of the rabbit? I believe that art – including and especially literature – allows us to ‘behold the non-rabbit’, it provides a non conceptual instantiation of matter, of object, [my emphasis] and the way to a mode of speaking or writing about art is to follow this route of 'non' so as to encounter and not diminish or do away with the non-conceptual truth that art presents us with, an aesthetics adequate to artwork in its specificity, its singularity, as artwork. The aesthetic presents a rabbit with form but without concept." We are asked to encounter, perhaps in a nonthetic manner, that nearly immediately turns thetic. Or, we approach the indication of invisibility with a thetic proposition, only to find that our statement is amphibological, describing if anything a determination of last instance, which could be our thought or the event or the object, whatever that might be. The phrase, suspended decision, seems appropriate. One things of Amie Thomasson's thesis that objects do not exist, rather an object is a collection of atoms arranged objectwise. As such all becomes atoms here and there, denser or less dense, in a infinite mostly empty and invisible space.
Invisible art: the gallery hoax that shows how much we hate the rich
Article in The Guardian 30 September 2014 by Jonathan Jones.
The article concerns the invisible work of Lana Newstrom, who, if she is real, should join this collective, although as the Guardian points out, she and the show is a hoax. Yet the speak of her "work" throughout the article.
Noted: Invisible: Art about the Unseen, 1957-2012, documenting a show at the Hayward Gallery, curated by Ralph Rugoff.
Noted: I gave a presentation titled, "Remember what the Dormouse said, ‘This abstract teapot ain’t big enough for both of us.’ A Platonist Approach to an Ontology of Art." Faculty Research Symposium, Alberta University of the Arts, January 23. In this I showed an image of an invisible art interruption from Dublin, Ireland.