In v i s i b l e A r t
Co l l e c t i v e
In t e r n a t i o n a l
To Request Membership:
MEMBERSHIP is free and lasts a lifetime for as long as you want to be a member. We are a world-wide artists collective with one goal, to make and exhibit invisible art.
If you are interested in being a member of the Invisible Art Collective International, go to the contact page and send me an email with REQUEST MEMBERSHIP in the subject line. Include your
And briefly tell me you want to join.
You will then receive a brief email stating the terms, most of which are below. By then emailing me back you will agree to the terms and voila, you are a member.
Definition: Invisible art is art that is not visible in the normal sense that visual art is visible. If the most part of the work of art is a visible artifact, then the work does not fit the definition. In some instances, audio art might be acceptable, but generally music composition and performance is beyond the scope of and definition used by the Invisible Art Collective International. If you have questions whether the art you're thinking of fits the definition, please email and ask.
Please note: Membership is offered the sole discretion and whim of the founder of the Invisible Art Collective International, Christopher Willard. While the goal is to be inclusive and to have a broad membership, not everyone will be granted membership. If you are granted membership, congratulations! Only those granted membership will receive a response. This art collective is not intended to be a commercial enterprise. There is never a fee for joining; you will never be paid for anything related to this site or related to projects done by the Invisible Art Collective International or Christopher Willard. In requesting to be a member you agree to receive the rare email from me.
Mainly, think, create, challenge, and have fun !